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The Cretacolor Sketching Pencil ranges are available in single pencils here including the Traditional Sketching Pencils with oil based and dry pencils in blacks, whites, sanguines and sepias. And in addition to the Traditional Sketching Pencils there are the complementary blacks of the Cretacolor Monolith Pure Graphite Stick, the oil based dark black Cretacolor Nero, which is great for adding depth, and the intense black stroke of the Cretacolor Charcoal Pencil. Taken all together there is everything here any sketching or portrait artist could need.
To order any of the Cretacolor Sketching Pencils simply put the number of each pencil you require in the Quantity box next to the pencil wanted, click on the "Add to basket" button and all the pencils you've chosen will be added to your basket in one go, simple as that!
Please note: Any pencil marked as temporarily out of stock can still be back-ordered and will be sent on when new stock arrives postage free. |
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Cretacolor Sketching Pencils Traditional Colours
Traditional sketching pencils in blacks, whites, sepias and sangines
RRP £1.90
Our Price £1.76 |
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Cretacolor Sanguine Oil Pencil 462 02 OIL BASED | |
Cretacolor Sepia Oil Pencil Light
463 42 OIL BASED
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Cretacolor Sepia Oil Pencil Dark
463 52 OIL BASED
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Cretacolor White Oil Pencil 461-61 OIL BASED
Cretacolor White Pastel Pencil Soft
461-51 NON OIL BASED | |
Cretacolor White Pastel Pencil Medium
461-52 NON OIL BASED | |
Cretacolor Black Pastel Pencil 460-12 NON OIL BASED
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Cretacolor Sanguine Dry Pencil 462-02 NON OIL BASED | |
Cretacolor Sepia Light Dry Pencil
463-22 NON OIL BASED | |
Cretacolor Sepia Dark Dry Pencil
463-32 NON OIL BASED | |
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Cretacolor Monolith Graphite Pencils
A stick of pure graphite which can be sharpened like a pencil, laquered outside to prevent mess.
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Cretacolor Monolith 2B
204-02 | |
Cretacolor Monolith 4B
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Cretacolor Monolith 6B
204-06 | |
Cretacolor Monolith 8B
204-08 | |
Cretacolor Monolith 9B
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Cretacolor Nero Oil Based Black Pencils
An oil based, dark black pencil. Water resistant, ideal for adding depth
RRP £1.90
Our Price £1.76 |
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Cretacolor Nero Oil Based Black Pencil
Cretacolor Nero Oil Based Black Pencil
No. 461 02 Soft
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Cretacolor Nero Oil Based Black Pencil
No. 461 03 Medium
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Cretacolor Nero Oil Based Black Pencil
No. 461 04 Hard
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Cretacolor Nero Oil Based Black Pencil
No. 461 05 Extra Hard
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Cretacolor Charcoal Sketching Pencils
A uniform, intense black stroke.
RRP £1.90
Our Price £1.76 |
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Cretacolor Charcoal Pencil
460-01 Soft |
Cretacolor Charcoal Pencil
460-02 Medium |
Cretacolor Charcoal Pencil
460-03 Hard | |
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